About Us

About Drakos

Advancing biotech for the purpose of improving the health and lives of real people.

Drakos Clinical Dynamics addresses gaps in healthcare by bringing the fastest and most accurate services to the patient, wherever they are. Founded as “CineMedics” in 2020, the company created a new system to provide medical care and testing on major movie sets during the pandemic. They quickly realized that the same mobile medical services they were providing for the film industry could be applied to address healthcare challenges right here in our local community.

Now, Drakos provides mobile laboratory and medical services for concierge medicine, senior citizens aging-in-place, and underserved populations who face barriers to accessing healthcare. The company operates two custom-designed mobile labs and opened its first brick-and-mortar laboratory in East Syracuse last year.

Established by a team of first responders and medical professionals, Drakos has experience delivering care in many different environments. Drakos’ founder Heather Drake Bianchi says: “There are so many problems that our team has the unique ability to easily address because of the ways that we have made laboratory and medical services mobile.” The company’s mobile approach increases speed, reliability, and access to quality medical services.